Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Secret Place

A Secret Place


Growin' up, I'd go out in our back yard to my secret hidin' place. I'd take a blanket to sit on and some of Mamma's Kool-Aid. Skippy, my dog, would come with me. It was somewhere I went to rest and to dream. I felt safe in this place. I felt like I could solve all my troubles there.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rememberin' Memorial Day

Rememberin' Memorial Day


What are your plans for Memorial Day? Will you have a cookout with the family? How 'bout visitin' friends? Maybe you gotta work. Will you take some time to be thankful for the men and women who served and sacrificed for us. For our country?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When Plans Don't Go As Planned - Regroup

When Plans Don't Go As Planned - Regroup


Aunt Nell and Uncle Ray wanted to renew their weddin' vows on their 50th weddin' anniversary. They decided to go on a cruise and have the ceremony on the ship. They'd never been on a cruise before and thought it would be like on that TV show, The Love Boat.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Baptismal Pool

New Baptismal Pool

A few years back, we got a new baptismal pool at church. The first time we used it, Cousin Louie brought his video camera to tape it. Merlene ’n Sherlene showed up in their big new hats ‘n they plopped down right in front of me. I couldn’t see a thing. I had to keep movin’ to see ‘round them hats, and it seemed like whichever way I moved, they moved. Uncle Reefus came in in a new pair of overalls, which was unusual for him.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stars In A Southern Sky

Stars In A Southern Sky
When my sister and me were growin up, Daddy'd go outside with us to look at the stars at night. He always said, "We're lookin' at stars in a southern sky." He'd spread out a blanket on the ground.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Without Mamma

Mother's Day Without Mamma
This is the first year without Mamma on Mother's Day. In thinkin' 'bout her, I'm reminded 'bout her great faith.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Runnin' On A Treadmill

Runnin' On A Treadmill
Life today's like runnin' on a treadmill! You're runnin' in the mornin's to get ready for work . At the end of the day, you get home only to continue - runnin' on a treadmill.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Trustin' Heart

Trust is a precious treasure. When somebody trusts you, that means that they have confidence in you!